Where do you even start, right? I mean, the Sci-Fi genre alone is one of the most sweaty, heated debate spaces in the known universe. Narrow that down to just Sci-Fi video games and then even further to the top 10 Sci-Fi video games, and you’ve got a nerdpocalypse brewing. So, in order to avoid my lynching in the street, let’s just say that all games to make this list are pioneers in some way. Or, that these games were so well-respected that almost every fan of the genre would give a slight bow of respect. Remember, we’re all just looking for a good game here; live long and prosper!
Half-Life 2
The prodigal son of sci-fi still hasn’t returned to us, but there’s no denying how incredibly well-loved this franchise is. It’s nearly impossible to troll a forum without some guy chirping on and on about, “(heavy breathing intensifies) where’s my Half-Life 3?” The game series as a whole is pretty decent, even absent nostalgic leanings. The story is bland and average in today’s market, but at the time of its release, the alien invasion storyboard was getting tons of attention. Half-Life 2 is a FPS dripping in extra-terrestrial blood and backyard science. I suppose if you care about the fate of humanity, the story is kind of heart-wrenching. Personally, my faith in humanity was lost when Joe replaced Steve on Blue’s Clues. Still, Half-Life 2 remains to be a genre-fan favorite.

Bioshock Infinite
I’m pretty dead inside, but Bioshock Infinite almost fixed that. The entire Bioshock series is incredibly interesting because of the timeline it chooses for its science fiction and the dedication to philosophical story-telling.. The gameplay is always terribly fun FPS action with various explosive genetic powers, but there’s more to these games than that. In Infinite, the storytelling gets a major upgrade in the form of everyone’s favorite waifu, Elizabeth. She’s hotter than your girlfriend and ten times more useful. The story is powerful and focuses around the decision to be selfless or cold-hearted. Either way, you’ll be exposed to tons of thought-provoking narratives about what freedom really means and how actions can solidify your place in time. If you’re an unfeeling troglodyte, though, it’s also just an awesome murder spree.

Mass Effect
You don’t get much more iconic than the third-person shooter Mass Effect franchise. The first installment, by far, is the best. Your opinion is meaningless to me. As far as science fiction games go, in their endless, ever-reaching arc, Mass Effect probably does the best job at hitting the most points on that arc. Building on the bones of Star Wars: KOTOR, Mass Effect creates its own stunning universe with some halfway accurate science. Where it lacks realism, it does its best to try and explain your doubts away with convoluted theories and “facts.” The combat is intense and comes with a host of powers from tech to biotics. In this game, decisions have some heft and building relationships with your party members can lead to romance! Oh, baby, put on some Barry White. Most importantly, is that it offers a deep story with some unique RPG exploration. Each game in the series gets better and worse for various reasons, but you’d be soulless Geth to not check them out!

Can you hear the collective chanting followed by that sweet Bungie Guitar riff? Me too. This series is every 90s kids’ wet dream. Before Xbox Live was so widely available, we actually had to go out to lan parties. My social anxiety now shudders at the thought that I used to do that. Anyway, Halo is insanely good, and is responsible for the Xbox One sitting in your house right now. Don’t believe me? Halo single-handedly saved the shoddy release of the original Xbox. If it hadn’t come when it did, support for the system might’ve ceased altogether. If you somehow don’t know about Halo, you play as the genetically enhanced cyborg Master Chief that’s trying to figure out what-in-Cortana’s-name the big space rings, called Halos, are for. The alien enemy, The Convenant, is trying to destroy humanity and take control of these halos. Meanwhile, the Hive-er, sorry, The Flood, a third faction, is taking residence in various dark corners of the world and making life hell for everyone involved. Use a huge host of weaponry to end them all. Enjoy!

Dead Space
I was working at GameStop when Dead Space released and I can still remember hanging out with my co-workers in the back room on our “test system” playing Dead Space all night. Notice that I no longer work there. Anyway, Dead Space is a really intense horror game that’s responsible for more soiled pants than Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It’s also one of the best Sci-Fi video games ever, period. It has an interstellar Resident Evil vibe and Dark Souls quality bosses. All of the weapons are innovative and incredibly fun to use. Not to mention, the entire series is gorgeous to look at, you know, if you like dismal, terrifying, bloody-messes. You weirdo.

Gears of War
This third-person series is near and dear to my heart as it was the only game that I could’ve gone pro in. Really. I was rank 33 in the world for Gears of War original, nasty longshot blind fires boys. Keeping that rank was a full time job though, and eventually I became a washed up video game writer. The original Gears was one of the most unique phenomena I have ever experienced. You play as muscle-headed soldiers, called COGs, dealing with a crazy invasion from beneath the ground, called Locusts. It’s visceral, gory, and full of headshots that sound like balloons popping. Oh, and you can use chainsaw bayonets to saw through entire bodies. Gratuitous? Yes. Intensely satisfying? Also yes.

Ratchet and Clank
Ratchet and Clank is light-hearted 3D platformer adventure game akin to Spyro the Dragon. It has shooter elements, melee combat, puzzles, and kid-friendly jokes. The story is about a Lombax named Ratchet and his robot pal, Clank. Who could’ve guessed? Ratchet is a mechanic with delusions of grandeur. His father, a well-known guardian of the galaxy bestowed in him a legacy for greatness. Throughout the series, Ratchet explores the galaxy using his genius level intellect to invent weapons and gadgets to bring him closer to his goal. Along the way he meets many allies and friends as well as making terrifying enemies that he must defeat. This series of Sci-Fi games is so good that I don’t actually have any witty observations or jabs to make. It’s polished, really addictive, and the story is well paced, something many series struggle with. If you haven’t guided this duo through their action-packed life story, yet, you need to.

Fallout 4
I mentioned in a previous post about MMOs that my religion was the Elder Scrolls series. Talos be praised, but I also consider the Fallout series to be a sister denomination. So, sometimes, I explore that faith a bit. You should, too. Similarly to Bioshock, this series is set around the 1940s-50s, in an alternate universe where nuclear technology is deployed everywhere in a full-scale war. Vault-Tec, a company concerned only with obtaining more scientific knowledge, creates a series of Vault shelters for people to retreat to safely. In the various vaults, all manner of scientific experiments take place. No one is the same. As the player character, you exit your respective Vault and explore the locale. Everything has been ravaged by radiation and conflict. You alone must find your way in the new wasteland. Which means you’ll kill tons of people and search their weirdly deep bodily orifices for their loot. Maybe you’ll even give and old lady some drugs, I don’t know, it’s your life.

Borderlands 2
Nothing screams FPS chaos and psychosis like the Borderlands series. I’ve been waiting for Borderlands 3 since Borderlands 2 launch day. Borderlands is about killing every damned thing that will die. The entirety of the second installment is just some guy named Handsome Jack hitting you with an insane diss track as you push through to defeating him. Honestly, he’s my favorite shooter villain ever. Loot comes constantly and the ability trees give real, entertaining changes to gameplay. In addition, there are a number of mechanics unique to this game, such as, allowing enemies to kill one another, become stronger and drop better loot. Also, there’s a host of popular culture references to be found or killed. Namely, you can run the one ring to Mordor for loot, destroy the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and enjoy a conversation about Butt Stallion. The last one isn’t a pop culture reference, but it’s hilarious. If you don’t play these games, I don’t think we’d get along very well.

I don’t want hate mail, so here you go. Based on the Half-Life universe, this puzzle game is even more of a fan favorite than its source material. Basically, you create a series of portals to get from place to place. If it sounds dull, that’s because it kind of is. This title is only for puzzle lovers exclusively. There are numerous chuckle points in the game where you can laugh if you want. I don’t, but hey, to each their own. Honestly, this game has sick polish and can be pretty difficult at points if you don’t cheat. Definitely worth the cheap cost and time-killing potential. For God’s sake, don’t trust the Cake.

A list of the top ten Sci-Fi video games is hard to compile with so much still out there and so many sub genres. Tell us what games you’d have rather seen make this list. Tell us in the comments section below!