Top 10 Hardest Video Games Ever


Let’s face it; some games are SUPER hard. Studies prove how annoying certain obstacles were to complete in older games, like the sliding block puzzle in earlier versions of The Legend of Zelda. The levels in this game took no prisoners. Your level of skill made the difference between progressing and starting all over again.

In other words, they were hell. Here are the 10 titles that gamers consider the hardest video games ever.

1. Cuphead

You wouldn’t think that a 2D run and gun game would become as popular in 2017 as Cuphead has, but here we are. The game has a neat 1930s style going for it and some engaging gameplay. But, it is notoriously hard. The focus is mainly on boss fights. Classic levels are rare and only good for collecting coins that are spent on upgrades. The slightest mistake puts you through brutal punishment, and it can take you hours to get past bosses even on a regular difficulty level.

2. Dark Souls 3

This isn’t the most difficult video game on this list, but it still deserves a place as one of the most challenging. Dark Souls 3 is a well-designed and visually striking game, but those who play it will tell you how infuriating it can get at times. Each boss battle in this fantasy action RPG has a pattern that takes its time to manifest and your attacks have to be really well-placed to make them work. One small mistake can kill you, and you have to fight your way back to the boss that made you run with your tail between your legs. And that’s the biggest problem with Dark Souls 3. You get attacked by so many mobs along the way that you can end up traversing through the same terrain for several hours on repeat.

3. Alien: Isolation

Most survival horror games, like Resident Evil, stop being terrifying after the first playthrough, since you know when to look out for jump scares and ambushes. Just don’t expect the same from Alien: Isolation. This game is based on stealth. You have to outsmart and outrun a single alien creature. Unfortunately, your opponent is also controlled by AI rather than scripting, which pretty much makes it unpredictable. There are also not as many save points as you would like, which adds to the difficulty.

4. Ninja Gaiden II

The Ninja Gaiden series has always been challenging, but Ninja Gaiden II, released in 2008, is one of the toughest games of all time. This action adventure video game by Team Ninja was extremely hard, even in a regular difficulty setting. It’s natural to encounter stronger opponents in every game, but in this one, they come armed with cannons and other types of projectiles, some of which are almost impossible to dodge at times.

5. Ghosts ‘n Goblins

How many lances can you throw at a barrage of enemies (that are practically invincible to your projectiles) until you realize how futile it is? This is what you keep asking yourself as you play Ghosts ‘n Goblins from Capcom. You can die from being hit just twice. And you will die a lot. For example, it’s extremely easy for your character to perish as you try to jump on moving platforms, since he can’t turn left or right mid-jump.

6. Battletoads

Growing up, you might have probably played this famous title from NES. You might have also smashed your controller at the wall, sworn like crazy, and felt like pulling your hair out while playing it. Well, you aren’t alone. This game was CRAZY hard where every slip up could potentially be your last. Only a few players have managed to make it past the infamous “Turbo Tunnel” speed bike stage, where your chosen character has to zip through various obstacles on a bike at blazing speeds.

7. Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse

The Castlevania franchise from NES has released some pretty tough titles since the first part was released back in 1986. But gamers consider the third installment, Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse, to be the toughest one of all. The controls were too stiff, which was frustrating considering the slew of monsters that came at you at every stage. Anyone who has grown up playing video games would say that this title is one of the hardest games of all time.

8. Zelda II: the Adventure of Link

Many gamers consider completing the first few installments in The Legend of Zelda franchise to be their biggest accomplishments. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is one of these games. It’s a side scrolling game, which means that unlike its predecessor, there is no overhead view. Even battling the weakest enemies are challenging, and you keep running out of magic and lives before you get to the end.

9. Contra

A study on Dorkly pitted teens against Contra, the notoriously difficult shoot-em-up title from NES. None of them managed to get past the first stage. Contra is pretty hard to beat, especially by today’s standards. This game does NOT fool around. You have only three lives to get to the end of the game, which is tough to do considering that your character can easily die, even if it touches an enemy’s body, bullet, or otherwise.

10. Nioh

Nioh is brought to you by Team Ninja, the same people who gave you Ninja Gaiden – so yeah, it’s not a cakewalk. In this title for the PlayStation 4, you play as a samurai against hordes of demons and humans. This game is hard from the very first boss battle. You have to learn enemy patterns in order to progress. Just make sure that you are prepared to die several times before you can grasp the gameplay.

Which title do you think is the hardest video game ever? Let us know in the comments.