Anime is known for its ridiculous plot arcs, simplistic characterization, and incredible fan service. To be a fan, and read that description, turns your skin inside out. Sure, Anime is ridiculous, we know that; and yeah sometimes the ecchi is a bit too ecchi. In the end, though, Anime is an art form that has nearly infinite sub-genres. There’s the often darker seinens, shoujos, shounens, slice of life, harems, deconstructions, and so many more. For fans of this eastern phenomenon, watching alone just isn’t good enough. We want to escape into these incredible off-beat worlds that make us feel so differently. Below is a small list I have compiled of some of the best anime-styled video games you can play right now. A word of caution before you begin reading, not all Anime experiences are happy escapes.
1. Persona 5

What can I say about Persona 5. There’s too much, really, so let’s start with why it’s on the list. Honestly, if you want to experience one of the best anime games instead of simply playing one, this is the game for you. You’ll have to manage all aspects of a young life: School, Friends, Work, and Meddling in the affairs of adults, sometimes to a point that borders on severe legal repercussions. Oh, and you’ll enjoy finding love in all the wrong places. If I were to explain this game to an average person, I’d say you’re playing a high school simulator, in which, there are various well-developed mini games that give your character depth. Be warned though, this is not a game for action junkies. There is no shortage of dialogue or cutscenes and paying attention is critical to the experience. 10/10 would try to sleep with my anime high school teacher again, within the confines of the law, of course.
2. Megadimension Neptunia V II (Victory 2)

Megadimension Neptunia VII is just one installment in a very long-winded series of games. Not that it’s a bad thing, though! When games like this have multiple entries, it typically means there’s a dedicated player base or cult following that attaches itself to great elements. I think in the case of the Neptunia series, it’s one part fan-service and one part light-hearted JRPG gameplay. What more could you possibly need on a list of best anime video games? As you’ll read in any review of the series, the storyline doesn’t seem to take itself too seriously and there’s more fourth wall breaks than in Marvel’s Deadpool. Each main protagonist represents one of the main console game platforms, which is kind of neat, and they’re all Goddesses ruling over their respective lands. The combat system is pretty typical of Idea Factory and Compile Heart development tropes. Move around with limited steps, position accordingly, combo abilities, and devastate enemies with multiple party member chains. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. The voice actors (yes, even the English speaking ones) are phenomenal in direct comparison to the many other titles in the series. This game might be for you if you’re looking for an authentic JRPG experience with less dramatic tension and more total fan service. I am required by law to warn you of a serious side effect where some users were hospitalized after trying to make love to their game consoles. If you experience any discomfort or strange urges, take a cold shower, you pervert.
3. Dragon Ball FighterZ

Say hello to the king of AAA anime fighting games. As if this game even needs an introduction. This DBZ fighting masterpiece is the culmination of Super’s canon and the need for a truly competitive fighting genre title. It mimics the linear style and cell shading found in popular titles like Street Fighter, but dumbs down the formula. Almost anyone can be decent in Dragon Ball FighterZ. The cause for this is in the simplistic combo controls and limitation to four strike buttons. The difference between FighterZ and other genre contenders, isn’t in general mechanics, but in overall match mechanics. Matches are fought in glorious 3v3 tag team fashion, allowing for brutal, edge of your seat wars. The game places a lot of emphasis on timing and spamming certain combos. For fans of the previous DBZ fighting installments, this can be a bit disappointing. However, the speed and fluidity of the match execution feels incredible and savage. If you want to relive glorious anime moments, or just crater Krillin on repeat, look no further than Dragon Ball FighterZ.
4. Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable

Such Depression, Much Wow. The fact is, I’ve still never recovered from my first viewing of Puella Magi Madoka Magica. So, I’m going to make this really clear upfront: If you have not seen this anime, stop whatever you’re doing and go watch it now. Don’t you dare look up a plot synopsis. Just go. It’s only 12 episodes, work can wait. As for the game, it’s like reliving terrible memories of the show, but gives you choices to alter the outcomes. Though, it doesn’t help you deal with it any better. It’s a dungeon crawler RPG, it plays out much like a visual novel. There’s lots of dialogue and story-telling, emotional choices and moments, and multiple characters to play along their routes. You build up magical girls to fight witches and teach them new spells/abilities. Each one costs varying amounts of mana. The goal is to clear each dungeons without exhausting all resources and advance the story. It may be a PSP game from back in the day, but I absolutely had to include it on this list because of the deconstructive nature of its companion anime. Is depression not kicking your ass enough? Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable is here to fill that need.
5. Agarest Series
On to a less empty feeling note, the Agarest series is about as classically awesome as it gets when it comes to the top anime video games. These ones are for all you waifu hunters out there that still want a badass gaming experience to go along with your conquests. Also made by Idea Factory and Compile Hearts, Agarest games are like fine wine that was made yesterday. You see, the games are actually pretty new, considering their art style is so retro. That’s the draw here, ladies and gents. The games are designed to trigger our nostalgic feels from classics like Vandal Hearts and Saga Frontier (also great anime-styled games).
Progression works on a map of points. Each point represents and encounter, town, or quest objective. Usually, selecting a point means a battle and some dialogue. The combat system isn’t terribly different from Neptunia’s. Position characters, apply movesets to enemies, try to combo with other characters to create new movesets, and otherwise destroy all enemies in sight. Much like the Fire Emblem series, you can build affection with the many ladies you come across and woo them to your heart’s content by meeting specific parameters. Dating sims meets grindy JRPGs with a halfway decent storyline. I, personally, love the blacksmithing mechanics and combat system applied to this game. You can lose yourself for 40 hours easily per title. Their relatively low cost and great polish make them some of the best experiences you can get on a dime. In addition, their unique art style ensures that they always hold up over time. Truly, they are some of the best anime-styled video games around. They’re also available on android and iOS. Waifu hunting on the go!
6. Doki Doki Literature Club
Was Puella Magi Madoka Magica not enough crazy for you? Well here’s Doki Doki Literature Club. This entry will be short for one main reason: I want you to not have a clue. This isn’t a game so much as a visual novel with interactive elements. It is, however, completely free and completely worth the 3-4 hours you’ll spend on it. I won’t say much else except you play as a typical dumb protagonist that wants to join the Literature club and date cute girls. Once you’re let inside the club, you can pick a girl to romance. You do this through writing poetry. Saying anything else will ruin the magic of your first playthrough. Read no guides. Peruse no reviews. Don’t even search it anywhere but Steam. Enjoy the journey, my friends.
What do you think of these games? What are your experiences with Anime based games? Would you add/removed from this list? Why? You know what to do, tell us below!